• +91-9440806867
  • info@winhrmpayroll.com

Business Opportunities

Referral Partner

Be Win HRM Payroll Partner and grow your business. Earn referral bonus for bringing in new business. Partnering drives market awareness, aligns your brand with other credible brands and opens doors to acquire new customers. Partnership with Win HRM Payroll will also provide value-added products and services to increase your sales volume.
HRM Payroll Resellers and Dealers can use Win HRM Payroll Partners logo in their website. They will get access to Win HRM Payroll marketing material and would get leads from the region. All technical support and periodical training will also be provided for HRM Payroll Resellers and Dealers.

Strategy Partner

Strategic partnership with Win HRM Payroll will enable mid and small size enterprise businesses to access an advanced Cloud Payroll Software System which would help you to navigate your employee processes.
Win HRM Payroll Strategic Partnership is a mutually beneficial arrangement between Win HRM Payroll and partner companies, where in the two companies do not directly compete with one another. Companies engage in strategic partnerships mainly to gain a competitive advantage and get an opportunity to access a broader range of resources and expertise.

Why Partnering With Jayam Solutions

HOW It Work

Partnering with Jayam can lead to new opportunities that will transform your business. Our aims to enable private entrepreneurs and organizations to capitalize on the opportunities thrown open by technology advancements. If like, sign up. Our team will communicate and guide to join with Jayam Solutions community.

Chanel Partners are trained and certified Jayam HRMS and Payroll product functionalities. They sell HRMS and Payroll products, provide services, as well as build customised solutions for unique business requirements and fulfil business necessities. These certifications and capabilities help them expertly serve and support their customers for ultimate success.

Jayam Partners GTM (Go to Market) team are committed to helping your business grow. With a focus on co-selling and co-marketing opportunities, we can help your business reach new customers and markets worldwide.Develop a custom marketing strategy with Jayam marketing expert. Team up with GTM resources to enter new markets, unlock additional benefits as your business continues to expand. Generate leads through strategic joint campaigns as soon as you have an application in market. Showcase your solution to our sales teams and customers.Receive and share marketing and sales leads with the Jayam Partners.

Our Partners